Gripping Africa Stories

These are heartrending stories about people in a faraway land being liberated from the seemingly impossible. Each one takes us on a deeply moving Journey through life changing insights that are unforgettable. These compelling accounts transcend culture and capture the universal cries of the heart that affect all of us, no matter who we are, where we came from, or what we’ve been through. People often weep while they read these powerful stories and many have a profoundly personal encounter with God.

All this happens because no matter where we may go, even to a faraway tribe on a remote mountain in East Africa, there are universal longings in the human soul that are common to “every tribe and people and nation” (Revelation 5:10). And when we are confronted with those longings in graphic, apprehending ways, such as happens in these gripping accounts, we can become so affected by their timeless truths that those insights can become a treasured part of our own Journey.

We encountered a young boy on a remote mountain in East Africa. He smelled of old urine and human feces. Maggots crawled all over him. None of us will ever forget how the Father used this boy to help the people to see how He wants us to love.
The men of the mountain vowed when they were young to never raise their arms except to kill someone. This is a breathtaking story of their dramatic, miraculous healing.
People came from all over the Mountain and repented and wept. The fire of God came down. Unbelievers looked up to heaven, overcome with awe.
No one moved on Kampala Road. The cars and people stopped moving and were completely silent. The Visitation of the Glory of God was astounding.
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