What’s Happening

We are excited about our new book.
It’s thought provoking.
It’s blunt and honest.
It’s changing marriages.

Barry’s new message, “What IF” is a vulnerably transparent story about our journey through some very difficult choices. The response to this message has been incredible.

We are deeply grateful that this is what’s happening in our Meetings and Conferences:
Lives are being radically transformed. Miracles are happening right before our eyes. The Father’s love is reaching across the generations and healing the devastated places of horrific loss in the hearts of His children. Dramatic restoration is taking place in relationships. There are powerful awakenings to a new sense of purpose, and a reviving of hope in the places where there was disillusionment, and often despair. God’s presence during worship is so powerful that we are all humbled with awe by the intimate, face to face encounter with the Lord in the Holy of Holies.