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Our choices can change the course of our day, our year, or even our life’s direction. This is the story of our journey through some very difficult choices.
A powerful message for anyone searching for understanding about the Prophetic Gifting. It sets people free to move freely and with much authority when they prophesy.
God has always looked for simple, ordinary people to use. He is still doing that. This message grips the heart with that encouragement.
It’s Christmas night in Africa. Ruth held a frightened woman dying of AIDS. Moments later, while rats ran around her feet, the sound of heaven rose from Ruth’s harp and the presence of God and His amazing peace filled the humble, mud walled hut.
When this pastor came to our compound in Africa he planned on killing himself. This is the incredible story of how experiencing genuine love radically transformed his life.
Prostitutes sobbed and fell to their knees. They would never go to church. So God came to them.