The Trip to Freedom

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Description of “The Trip to Freedom”
This book captures how Ruth learned to walk through the door to freedom using God’s Word, after forty-five years of horrific abuse. She writes with such a vulnerable honesty and shares the Word in such a deeply personal way that since it was first published in 1998, countless men and women from across the nations have found their own path to freedom through reading it. Healing became possible in places of devastating emotional pain that they had been convinced could never change. Young and old have experienced the Father as a kind, loving Dad. For many it’s an encounter with the first real Father they’ve ever known.

Singles of all ages seriously need to read “The Trip to Freedom.”

It explains how to identify if a relationship is healthy, or if it has the potential to be a huge mistake. Understanding this can protect singles from the suffering Ruth experienced because she had to learn all this about relationships the hard way.

From the Author
For all those who long to stop the hurts from your painful past, but you have not found answers that help you in a lasting way, I assure you that in this book you will find Word-based truths and that do work. They can set you free.

The many practical insights also can protect any single, including the younger generation who are at the beginning of their journey of discovering who they want to date, from the suffering I experienced in destructive relationships. This is how a young person felt about reading this book: “I think “The Trip to Freedom” will definitely help people, including the youth, to understand what to look for in someone when they are dating so that they don’t have to learn the hard way, after they’ve already damaged their life.” Koenn Becker

Finally, this book was written to help young people who are struggling and you don’t understand how to overcome what is troubling you. I want you to know that it means everything to me to be able to help you while you are still young so that you don’t lose the years I lost trying to find my way to all this radically life-changing understanding. Many of you are part of a fatherless generation and in “The Trip to Freedom” you will personally encounter God as a very real Father and the caring Dad you missed out on. You will also find blunt honesty about my own struggles and this will help you to find comfort, reassurance and peace.

About the Author
For Ruth and her husband, Barry their passion is for Revival to ignite in the Body of Christ and become a Holy Fire that impacts generations, denominations, nations. Wherever they bring this message, young and old are radically changed by a supernatural Visitation of God’s Presence that descends into each Meeting. Their vulnerable honesty about their own failures restores hope where there was the worst kinds of discouragement and the darkness of despair. Miraculous transformations happen. A Prophetic Ministry of Encouragement revives the weary, broken places in people’s lives. They are set free to live the Father’s plan for their lives so that they can become part of His earnest longing to spread His Revival Fire.