The Prophetic What’s It All About 预言 到底是怎么一回事

By Ruth Johnson

PDF – English/Mandarin

Message from the Author

I am deeply thankful to a loving Father who always wants to help us find His wisdom that sets us free, including by Him showing us how to use the gift to prophesy in the way that He longs for us to do.


These are His words that reassure us how earnestly this is His heart toward us as our Abba Father:

“I hold you by your right hand and I say to you,
‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.’”
Isaiah 41:13 NLT

“There is no one like the God of Israel. I ride across the heavens
to help you, across the skies in majestic splendor.”
Deuteronomy 33:26 NLT Personalized


“因为我耶和华你的神,必搀扶你的右手,对你说, ‘不要害怕,我必帮助你’。”
《以赛亚书》41章 13节

《申命记》33章 26节


Michael Liu, Businessman with a Market Place Ministry, Shanghai, China: “I’ve been giving thanks as I have been translating “The Prophetic” into Chinese and thinking to myself what a blessing for those who can read this message. It is not doctrine full of instructions, but a poetry of heart illuminating truth poured out in love. This word has the power of healing! I see the urgency of the Gospel, the goodness of God, and the living example of apostle wisdom in it. All this needs to be shared. I will be giving it to people in China.”

Michael 职场事工企业家 中国上海: “一边翻译,我一边在感恩,心想能读到这信息的人是多么蒙福啊。我喜欢这个信息,因为它充满了诗意,这不是充满指导的理论,而是在爱中倾泻的照亮人心的真理。品尝吧,我的朋友,这道有医治之能。在这篇信息中我看到了福音的紧迫,神的美善和活生生的使徒智慧。这些都急需分享,我会给到那些在中国需要的人。”

George E. Markakis, Greek Apostle, European Apostolic Leader, Pastor of Shalom Center, Athens, Greece: “The intro is spectacular! It certainly captivated my attention! Captivating and positively “emotional” at times. It is a very good article. Very well written. Well done dear Ruth. Glad you decided to share these thoughts on the prophetic. May the Lord use your message to encourage many and bring healing to many more.

George E. Markakis,希腊使徒,欧洲使徒运动领袖,希腊雅典莎隆中心牧师: “此篇短文非常棒!引起了我极大的兴趣。许多地方引人入胜,甚至几度让我产生了正面的“不能自已”。这是一篇很好的文章。写的非常好。太棒了,Ruth。很开心你愿意分享关于预言的思想。愿主使用你的信息鼓励许多的人并给他们带来医治,甚至更多。”

Dr. John Roddam, Apostle and Prophet, formerly the pastor of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Ballard, WA U.S.A.: “I have known Barry and Ruth Johnson for over a decade. They are loving and gracious equippers in the Body of Christ who for years have trained believers to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Truly it is easy to endorse what Ruth has written. She is a friend who walks with grace and who teaches from a strong Biblical and experiential grid. I love the way Ruth sees how the prophetic, and the other gifts, need to be expressed in a safe and loving way. There is also a good balance of testimony and the Word in this teaching and it is written in a style that is understandable by young and old alike. It is excellent!”

John Roddam 博士,使徒和先知,前圣路加圣公会牧师,Ballard,华盛顿州: “认识Barry和Ruth已经十载有余。他们非常有爱心,通过培训信徒操练圣灵的恩赐,他们慷慨的装备了很多主内的人。真的非常赞成Ruth所写的。她是我的朋友,她满有恩典,在圣经和实践的基础上教导人。我喜欢Ruth所说的如何让预言以及其他恩赐用一种安全的和有爱心的方式去表达。文章在见证和圣经上分布得当,而且阅读起来老少咸宜。非常好的文章。”

Caleb Howard, International Evangelist, Formerly Senior Pastor, Dry Oak Assembly of God, Belton, South Carolina U.S.A.: “I was tremendously blessed and encouraged from this writing on prophecy. I even gained some wisdom and revelation concerning this subject that I had not received before. Barry and Ruth are a hidden treasure in God’s Kingdom that I believe will be brought to the forefront for such a time as this.”

Caleb Howard,国际布道家,神召会干橡树教会前主任牧师,Belton,南卡罗来纳州: “这篇关于预言的文章极大的祝福和鼓励了我。我甚至领受了从前没有领受过的关于这方面的启示。Barry和Ruth是上帝的国中隐藏的珍宝,我相信在这样的一个时代他们会被带到最前沿,大大的为我们显明。”

Russ and Kim Babcock, Missions Pastors, Pursuit NW Church, Snohomish, WA U.S.A: “We love your heart towards health in the Body of Christ and your desire for the Bride to walk in true freedom. We are also thankful for this honest and sometimes difficult conversation of instruction and correction where prophecy is concerned. Yet with it comes the beauty of what this gift was created for. You have once again communicated very well and with love and grace and truth, always pointing to the Word of God. We love that and we are excited to have you put this in print and allow others to read it so that it can bring clarity to an area that at times is one of learned confusion.”

Russ and Kim Babcock,传道牧师,Pursuit NW 教会, Snohomish, 华盛顿州:“看到你对教会肢体的健康和真正自由的关切,我们无比开心,同时也很感恩,在涉及预言这个问题的时候,给人诚实的指点或纠正很有挑战,但你还是做到了。而这也正是神创造这个恩赐的原因吧。永远指向神的话语,你再一次用爱、恩典和真理成功的进行了沟通。我们热切的期望此文可以出版出来,让更多人读到,让这个越学习越糊涂的领域清晰起来。”

Margie Fry, a highly respected Prophetic Voice in Lighthouse of Hope Ministries, Silverdale, WA: “As I finished the last sentence, I found that I didn’t want this powerful teaching to end. It is full of love and great clarity about the Word of God. It also brings forth the richness of His truth for our daily living and it is explained in such a way that it will help people to move into freedom in the prophetic, and in a safe, encouraging, loving way.”

Margie Fry,希望灯塔事工中颇受尊敬的预言者,Silverdale,华盛顿州: “在读完最后一句之后,我发现我不想让这大能的教导停下来。它充满了爱和对神的话语的澄清,同时也带出了神的真理对我们每日生活的丰盛意义。让我们明白如何在安全的、受鼓舞的和有爱的方式中进入预言的自由。”

Terry Dunnings, Senior Pastor, The Vision Center, Elm City, NC U.S.A.: “This prophetic teaching is truly awesome and inspired by God. So much wisdom and revelation. Wow! I enjoyed the truth of God that resonates from your writing, Ruth. The scripture references, the examples, the stories, they are all so riveting and powerful!”

美国北卡罗莱纳州以林市,异象中心主任牧师 Terry Dunnings: “这篇关于预言的教导超级棒,充满了智慧和启示,是上帝激发的灵感之作。哇!我真的好喜欢你在写作中带给我神的真理的共鸣:圣经的引用、举例、故事都那么引人入胜,那么力量无穷!”

Hughes Protzman, Associate Pastor, Mukilteo Foursquare Church, Mukilteo, WA U.S.A.: “Your teaching is always powerful because it comes from your love of people. Now you have shown us why prophecy has been effective in your life because it was always ministered within a context of love, mercy and grace. Seeing this brings me to repentance because I haven’t always done that. Thank you for once again showing us how to think and function with the mind of Christ and the heart of Father God.”

美国华盛顿州,马科尔蒂奥市,四方教会助理牧师 Hughes Protzman: “你的教导总是那么有力,因为你爱大家。爱、怜悯和恩典是你事工的核心,这是也是为什么你的预言总是那么有果效。读了你的文字,我要忏悔,因为我没有完全做到。再一次感谢你教会我们如何用天父的心肠和耶稣的意念怎样思考怎样做为!”

Doug Martin, Gifted Teacher, Associate Pastor with the Father’s Kind Heart, at our Home Church Sonrise Christian Center, Everett, WA U.S.A.: “The scripture says that Jesus came full of Grace and Truth and as I read this I could see those qualities. You have been truthful about what the prophetic really is and areas which need correction. At the same time you have been very understanding and graceful to everyone, as none of us are perfect at this and we are all learning. Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to shine a light on a subject which is not always well understood, but can be so valuable when used the way God intended it to be used.”

美国华盛顿州,艾佛雷特市,优秀教师、助理牧师、Doug Martin弟兄在我们的母教会Sonrise基督徒中心,心怀天父的慈爱: “经上说耶稣满有恩典和能力,这正是我读本文的时候看到的品质。关于预言的定义您实事求是并努力带人离开误区。同时您也对我们众人都有所包容,因为人无完人,我们都在学习成长。预言这个话题大家有太多迷惑,您的教导如迷惑中的光束,将我们照亮,让我们明白这恩赐需要用上帝喜悦的方式来使用才有价值,再次感谢您付出的时间和努力!”

Dr. Patricia Duke, His Heart Ministries International, a powerful Speaking, Teaching, Prophetic and Apostolic Ministry, Tampa, FL U.S.A.: “As I read, ‘The Prophetic What It’s All About,’ I sensed a genuine gentleness of heart and the love of Jesus throughout. The message is an encouragement. It is also a caution for those who move in the prophetic, as well as for those who are receiving a prophetic word. It is an excellent teaching for those who want to know more about the prophetic. I am both humbled and honored to be among the ones you chose to share this with.”

耶稣之心国际事工的 Patricia Duke 博士,耶稣之心国际事工来自美国福罗里达州坦帕市,在演说、教导、预言和使徒事工上很得力量: “当我读到 ‘预言到底是怎么回事’ ,我就整个儿感受到了耶稣的爱,耶稣的纯真的温柔心肠。 这篇道是一个巨大的鼓励。同时对那些发预言的以及接受预言的人们的一个警告。对想更多了解预言的人来说这是一篇很好的学习资料。能够成为分享此文中的一员我实在是荣幸之至。”

Dan and Cindy Duff, Pastors of Calvary Family Church, Collinsville, IL: “We love the Word and balanced approach you have taken, Ruth, in this teaching on ‘The Prophetic.’ We both can really feel your love for the church and all of God’s people. This is a very good and clear writing on the prophetic. I believe we need the prophetic and prophets in our churches today, as much as we ever have. But as pastors we also have experienced wrong, and even false prophecy from those in the Body of Christ who allow their perspective or their flesh to get involved. We know this can be very damaging and dangerous. As a result, prophecy concerns, and even scares a lot of people in the church. We strongly believe that the church needs to return to the Word because God is not the God of fear or confusion. Again, this is a great, balanced writing. Keep blessing the body of Christ!”

Dan与Cindy Duff,美国伊利诺伊州,科林斯维尔市,各各他家庭教会牧师:“路德,我们喜爱《预言》一文带给我们的神的话语和平衡兼顾的智慧。我们两个人都强烈的感受到你对教会和所有神之子民的爱。本文关于预言的论述洗炼通达。我们相信今日教会和以往一样需要先知和预言。但做为牧师我们也经常经历到一些预言者将属肉体的和自己的思想的东西混淆进来,他们来自教会,但却是伪先知。这样一来,预言就会让教会望而却步。我们非常相信教会需要回到神的话语,因为神不是让人恐惧的神,不是让人混乱的神。最后我要再说一次,这是一篇非常优秀而又平衡兼顾的信息。愿永远的祝福归于耶稣基督的身体!”

The Prophetic
What’s It All About


A liberating message for anyone who is searching for understanding about what healthy, Scripture-based prophesying looks like and for those who want to be set free from what is holding them back from the Father using them in this profoundly important way.


The insights come from what I have learned from my decades in ministry and from equipping others to understand how to walk in the fullness of God’s purpose for them. I am passionate about sharing them because of how vital it is for God’s children to walk in freedom in their prophetic gifting.


I also feel strongly about this message because I’ve seen so much confusion in people about what that “going free” looks like, and because way too many Christians have been hurt by those who have prophesied to them in an unsafe, not Word-based way. As a result, they are “scared” of someone ministering to them prophetically. Often they become “shut down” in giving themselves a chance to be used in this way themselves, even if they have a strong anointing in prophecy. My earnest hope and prayer is that this writing will significantly help all those who are longing to learn how to fully “rise up on wings as an eagle” in God using them to speak His words of life to others.



“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
Revelation 19:10 YLT


Paul did everything he could to help the early believers grasp how to be that witness of Jesus. First, he strongly encouraged them to have a longing to both pursue love and to prophesy:

“Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives—especially the ability to prophesy.” 1 Corinthians 14:1 NLT


你们要追求爱,也要切慕属灵的恩赐,其中更要羡慕的,是说预言。《哥林多前书》14章 1节

At the same time, he made it clear that this gift was all about helping others experience how much they are loved by the Father, which is what means the most to His Son, Jesus:

“Those who prophesy are speaking to people to give them strength, encouragement, and comfort.” 1 Corinthians 14:3 NCV



In the light of these two verses, Paul was telling the early Christians:

“Want earnestly to speak words to others that will give
them encouragement, strength, and comfort.”



Even the prophets during the birth of the church lived this way of love:

“Paul encouraged the believers in all the towns he passed through.” Acts 20:2 NLT

“Judas and Silas, both being prophets, spoke extensively to the Christians, encouraging and strengthening their faith.” Acts 15:32 NLT


保罗走遍了那一带地方,用许多话劝勉门徒 《使徒行转》20:2


The genuine love of Jesus that exploded in the Book of Acts was also at the foundation of the 1906 Azusa Street Revival. This is a quote by an eyewitness historian of that move of God:

“The message was the love of God. It was as if the first love of the early Church had returned. We knew the moment we had grieved the Spirit by an unkind thought or word. The presence of the Lord was so real.” Frank Bartleman


“那信息就是神的爱。就好像早期教会起初的爱又回来了。我们知道我们的不良的思想和言语曾经让圣灵伤心。神的同在是如此真实。” Frank Bartleman


I find it remarkable that we never outgrow the need to receive prophetic encouragement. We never become so “mature” or so spiritually “strong” that we can fully live for Jesus without words of the Father’s love being spoken to us. That’s why it is not spiritual weakness to want encouragement. It is not a lack of dependence on God or a failure to trust Him. Rather the Father created us this way. Consequently, the more we give our lives to serving Him, the greater our need to experience His encouragement. For example, we see in the prophet Isaiah the intense discouragement that can affect any man or woman of God when being encouraged is not happening:

The Lord told him: “You are my servant and you will bring Me glory.” Isaiah replied: “But my work all seems so useless. I have spent my strength for nothing and to no purpose. Yet, I leave it all in the Lord’s hand. I will trust God for my reward.” Isaiah 49:3-4 NLT

我发现很明显的是无论我们得到多少预言的鼓励都不会嫌多。 我们从来也无法“成熟”或“强大”到没有父神对我们说话而还能够全然为耶稣而活。这是为什么不是说属灵软弱才需要鼓励;不是说缺乏对神的依靠或无法信靠他才需要鼓励。恰恰相反我们这样是神这样创造了我们。结论就是,我们越是舍命服侍他,我们越是需要经历他的鼓励。例如,我们看到先知以赛亚在鼓励缺席,挫败超越任何属神的男女的所能承受的时候:

主对他说你是我的仆人以色列,我必因你得荣耀。我却说,我劳碌是徒然,我尽力是虚无虚空,然而我当得的理必在耶和华那里,我的赏赐必在我神那里。《以赛亚书》49章 3-4节

Then this is how David wrote about his longing for someone to encourage him:

“You see all that my enemies are doing. Their insults have broken my heart, and I am in despair. If only one person would show some pity; if only one would turn and comfort me.” Psalm 69:19-20 NLT


你知道我受的辱骂,欺凌,羞辱。我的敌人都在你面前。辱骂伤破了我的心。我又满了忧愁。我指望有人体恤,却没有一个。我指望有人安慰,却找不着一个。《诗篇》69篇 19-20节

Even Jesus didn’t want to be cared about only by His Father. As a man, He also needed to be emotionally supported by those He was in close friendship relationship with during His years on earth. This is an illuminating account in which He is very honest about feeling this way:

Then Jesus went with His followers to a place called Gethsemane. He said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee with Him, and He began to be very sad and troubled. He said to them, “My heart is full of sorrow, to the point of death. Stay here and watch with Me.” After walking a little farther away from them, Jesus fell to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, do not give Me this cup of suffering. But do what You want, not what I want.” When Jesus went back to His followers and found them asleep. He said to Peter, “You men could not stay awake with Me for one hour?” Matthew 26:36-40 NCV


耶稣同门徒来到一个地方,名叫客西马尼,就对他们 说,你们坐在这里,等我到那边去祷告。于是带着彼得,和西庇太的两个儿子同去,就忧愁起来,极其难过。便对他们说,我心里甚是忧伤,几乎要死。你们在这里等候,和我一同儆醒。他就稍往前走,俯伏在地祷告说,我父阿,倘若可行,求你叫这杯离开我。然而不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思。来到门徒那里,见他们睡着了,就对彼得说,怎么样,你们不能同我儆醒片时吗?《马太福音》26章 36-40

Paul was also vulnerably honest about having this same fundamental need:

“God, who encourages those who are discouraged, encouraged us by the arrival of Titus.” 2 Corinthians 7:6 NLT

“I’m eager to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. In this way, each of us will be a blessing to the other.” Romans 1:12 NLT


但那安慰丧气之人的神,借着提多来安慰了我们。《哥林多后书》7章 6节


What’s sad is that multitudes of sincere, good-hearted believers are stuck in the same Valley of Dry Bones that Ezekiel wrote about because they have no one encouraging them. A tragic loss of hope is crushing them. When their discouragement deepens, a terrible, dark despair overtakes them. The longer they live with this heartache, the more heartbreakingly painful their loneliness and emptiness become.


Yet when people encounter sincere, healthy, Word-based words that comfort them with the Father’s kind love, those who are grappling with darkness can be renewed in their courage to not give up. This can make it possible for them to find their way back to “fighting the good fight,” rather than being “shipwrecked in their faith.” 1 Timothy 1:18-19 NASB To help people find their way to this revival of hope is why the Spirit of the Lord came upon Ezekiel to declare to all generations:

“O my people, I will open your graves of exile and cause you to rise again. Then I will bring you back to the land of Israel. When this happens, you will know that I am the LORD. I will put my Spirit in you, and you will live again. Then you will know that I, the LORD, have spoken, and I have done what I said.” Ezekiel 37:12-14 NLT

但那些在黑暗里抓狂的人们,遇见父神慈爱的话语,他们就被更新,充满勇气,不再放弃,这些话语是诚恳的健康的和基于圣经的。这让他们可能找到“打那美好仗”的归途,而不是在“他们的真道上犹如船坏一般”。 《提摩太前书》1:18-19 为了帮助人们走上复兴希望之路,主的灵降在以西结的身上向世世代代的人们宣告:

“所以你要发预言对他们说,主耶和华如此说,我的民哪,我必开你们的坟墓,使你们从坟墓中出来,领你们进入以色列地。我的民哪,我开你们的坟墓,使你们从坟墓中出来,你们就知道我是耶和华。我必将我的灵放在你们里面,你们就要活了。我将你们安置在本地,你们就知道我耶和华如此说,也如此成就了。这是耶和华说的。” 《以西结书》27章 12-14节

Countless times my husband, Barry, and I have witnessed the amazing impact when someone experiences prophetic words of encouragement. We saw this take place recently in China. One night we met with a missionary in Shanghai. The moment that kind words from the Father began to be prophesied to him, his countenance completely changed and he began to weep.

我丈夫Barry和我已经无数次的见证了预言鼓励对一个正在经历它的人的神奇影响。 我们最近在中国也看到了这样的图景。有一个晚上我们在上海遇到一个传道人。当从父神那里来的恩赐话语预言给他的时候,他的面容彻底的改变,他开始啜泣。

“Never in my life have I been encouraged this much,” he told us. “I am so grateful. I will always hold close to my heart what God used you to say to me this night.”

“我有生以来从来没有被这样鼓舞,” 他告诉我们。 “我如此感恩,我会永远把神通过你们之口对我说的话放在心头。”

I often marvel how even a few simple, humble, even childlike sounding words that the Father prompts us to tell someone can, in a heartbeat, become a “lamp shining in a dark place” for them, making it possible for a “new day and the hope of the Morning Star to arise once again in their heart.” 2 Peter 1:19-22 NASB

我经常惊叹父神触动我们告诉某人的,那简单、谦卑甚至听起来如孩童一般话语,顷刻之间,对那人就如“灯照在暗处”,“天发亮晨星在他们心里出现”。《彼得后书》1章 19-22

No wonder the Word tells us:

“Gentle words can bring life and health. A person’s words can be life-giving water, as refreshing as a bubbling brook.” Proverbs 15:4, 18:4 NLT


温良的舌,是生命树。人口中的言语,如同深水。智慧的泉源,好像涌流的河水。箴言 15章4节 18章4节

However, to be quite practical, I have observed and experienced that when the Father uses us in this way, it’s by us speaking natural sounding words, rather than ones that are super-spiritual, grand, fancy, or in a voice or volume that is not how we ordinarily talk. Often it’s also just a few words He wants us to say. Consequently, as we grow and mature in our gifting, we are less apt to go “on and on” because we’ve gone past the point when God is still nudging us to speak.



Since the core purpose of the prophetic is to help others to experience the love of the Father, it is deeply troubling when the words of some who have this gift are harsh.


This absence of love is a betrayal of these truths that Jesus came and died to teach us:

“By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35 NASB

“I command you to love each other in the same way that I have loved you.” John 15:12 NASB

Jesus was asked: “What is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” Jesus replied: “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and the greatest commandment. A second is equally important. Love your neighbor as yourself. (NLT) On these, the two commands, all the law and the prophets do hang (YLT).” Matthew 22:36-40


你们若有彼此相爱的心,众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了。《约翰福音》13章 35节


有人问耶稣:“摩西的律法,哪一条是最大的命令呢?” 耶稣回答说:你要尽心,尽性,尽意,爱主你的神。这是诫命中的第一,且是最大的。其次也相仿,就是要爱人如己。这两条诫命,是律法和先知一切道理的总纲。《马太福音》22章 36-40节

Then Paul bluntly, boldly explained how strongly God feels about unkind, unloving prophesying:

“If I could speak in any language in heaven or on earth but didn’t love others, I would only be making meaningless noise like a loud gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy and if I knew all the mysteries of the future and knew everything about everything, but didn’t love others, what good would it be? If I had the gift of faith so that I could speak to a mountain and make it move, without love I would be no good to anybody. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it. But if I didn’t love others, I would be of no value whatsoever.” 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 NLT


我若能说万人的方言,并天使的话语却没有爱,我就成了鸣的锣,响的钹一般。我若有先知讲道之能,也明白各样的奥秘,各样的知识。而且有全备的信,叫我能够移山,却没有爱,我就算不得什么。我若将所有的周济穷人,又舍己身叫人焚烧,却没有爱,仍然与我无益。《哥林多前书》13章 1-3节

This is how the Father describes what this love looks like that He is emphatically telling us needs to closely guide all that we say or do prophetically:

“Love is kind.”
1 Corinthians 13:4


《哥林多前书》13章 4节

Likewise, the presence of God can only be upon us if whatever we say or do is expressed with this kindness that is essential to His love. It is also what can help someone to “feel” safe to receive from us prophetically. Not always though. But, at least we are expressing the heart of God when the kindness of His love guides us and that is what matters the most to Him.


What’s troubling is that even Christians who are sincerely trying to be encouraging by prophesying can damage this love, and cause what they say to feel unsafe to people, if they don’t understand this area of foundational, Word-based wisdom:


Paul never told the early Christians that the purpose of prophecy was correction and rebuke. For example, he never urged all Christians to “desire earnestly” to be able to tell people…

How they need to change

How they need to grow

What they are doing wrong

What they need to do to “fix” their problems

What decisions to make

How they should handle situations in their personal life








Yet the Word does tell us: “Do not ignore it when the Lord disciplines you and don’t be discouraged when He corrects you. For the Lord corrects those He loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.” Proverbs 3:11-12 NLT

但圣经告诉我们:“我儿,你不可轻看耶和华的管教,也不可厌烦他的责备。因为耶和华所爱的,他必责备。正如父亲责备所喜爱的儿子。” 《箴言》3章 11-12节

Often this happens when the Holy Spirit sovereignly works in our heart to show us what we are doing wrong and what the Father wants us to do differently. Then, the people who have the authority to speak into our life in personally invasive, correcting ways are those in spiritual leadership in the Body of Christ whose authority we have placed ourselves under, and those we ask to share their honesty with us. The other exception is: “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” Proverbs 27:17 NLT This verse is talking about a personal relationship with someone, such as a spouse or close friend, whom we have decided to trust and whose honesty we want and welcome.

当圣灵在我们的心中掌权,并向我们显明我们哪里错了,父怎样让我们回转,我们就会理解上面经文的教诲。接下来,那些在我们生命中有权柄的人,也就是我们甘愿接受他们权柄的人,他们的真诚分享才可以进入我们的私人领地纠正我们。另外一个例外是亲密关系:“铁磨铁,磨出刃来。朋友相感,也是如此。”《箴言》27章 17节 这节经文说的亲密关系包括夫妻或好友等等,我们相信他们,他们的诚实是我们期望和欢迎的。他们也是可以说我们的人。

It’s just as vital to remember that even if someone has a strong anointing on his Gift of Prophecy, or even if they are a powerful Prophet, it does not mean that they have learned to use their gift with maturity, wisdom, or with the love of Jesus. The Corinthian church was heavily into prophesying. Yet Paul wrote to them:

“When I was with you I couldn’t talk to you as I would to mature Christians. I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in the Christian life. You are acting like people who don’t belong to the Lord. And it sounds as if more harm than good is done when you meet together. Do you want me to praise you? Well, I certainly do not!” 1 Corinthians 3:1, 11:17, 22 NLT


弟兄们,我从前对你们说话,不能把你们当作属灵的,只得把你们当作属肉体,在基督里为婴孩的。我现今吩咐你们的话,不是称赞你们。因为你们聚会不是受益,乃是招损。我向你们可怎么说呢?可因此称赞你们吗?我不称赞。《哥林多前书》3章1节 11章17节 22节

For example, the Holy Spirit would not prompt His children, including the Prophets, to force on anyone a prophetic message, if they are not comfortable. To do this is not being led by the Lord. It is not love. Rather, it is unkind. It is pushy. It is putting pressure on someone that causes most people to “shut down” on receiving from that person.


Likewise, those who are harsh, or who publicly embarrass or scold someone and are calling it prophecy or Word of Knowledge can do terrible harm. This is actually why many in the Body of Christ don’t feel safe with someone ministering to them prophetically, especially corporately. They are uneasy about taking the risk of being publicly told how they need to change or grow or what they are doing wrong, all in the name of prophecy, and not by someone who has the authority to correct them when it is necessary, such as the leadership over a church, group or ministry.


Then there are the “lone ranger” prophets who do much harm. They are not accountable to other leaders in the Body of Christ. Yet, “The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.” 1 Corinthians 14:32 KJV

那些预言的“独行侠”伤害甚多,他们没有对耶稣肢体内的其他领袖负责。虽然“先知的灵,原是顺服先知的。” 《哥林多前书》14章 32节

Often they are self-appointed “prophets,” which is contrary to the Word that says: “The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.” 1 Corinthians 14:32 KJV

一般来说他们是自命的“先知”,与圣经不符的,因为圣经上记着:“先知的灵,原是顺服先知的。” 《哥林多前书》14章 32节

This means that those in spiritual leadership in the Body of Christ need to bear witness to someone having the Office of an Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher. None of these are a “title” or office a person gives to himself. In fact, a humble respect and honoring toward those in authority over us is the character of someone who is being led by the Holy Spirit in his gifting and calling.


What can greatly help us to be discerning about all this is realizing that there are these sources for what anyone may do or say prophetically:


THE HOLY SPIRIT: When what someone is “seeing” is truly from God, their words will always produce the fruit of peace, joy, a comforting awareness of His presence, an increase in realizing His love and caring for them, and an increase in drawing closer to Him.


AN EVIL SPIRIT: There are rare situations when someone is clairvoyant. They do “see” things and they can be accurate. However, what they are perceiving is not coming from the Holy Spirit. It is coming from the demonic realm.


THEMSELVES: This happens when someone thinks that God is showing him to speak into someone’s life. But what he wants to say is coming from his own thoughts, feelings, judgments, experiences, or imagination.


Yet the Word tells us: “No prophecy in the Scriptures ever comes from the prophet’s own interpretation. No prophecy ever came from what a person wanted to say, but people led by the Holy Spirit spoke words from God.” 2 Peter 1:20 NCV What someone wants to prophesy or say is Word of Knowledge can also be coming from their pride. As a result, they will do or say things corporately out of their need to look “really prophetic” or “very anointed and powerful” in their gifting. Anyone with this pride issue is often ambitious to be perceived as important. They are motivated by their own pursuit of personal glory and gain.

圣经告诉我们:“因为预言从来没有出于人意的,乃是人被圣灵感动说出神的话来。” 《彼得后书》 1章20节 有人可以说预言或讲道也可能来自这人的骄傲。这样一来,他们的所做所说的无非就是让自己在恩赐上显得“非常的先知”,或“非常有恩膏”,或“非常的强大” 。带着这样骄傲的人往往自视了不起,而他们所追求的无非是个人荣耀或好处。

This is an incredibly unsafe person to allow to speak into our life. If it ever begins to happen to us, we need to be secure in knowing that the Father wants us to be wise and discerning about the words we allow to influence our life or spirit because “life or death are in the power of the tongue.” Proverbs 18:21 NASB

让这样的人对我们的生命发言是非常不安全的。如果有这样的事情发生,我们要知道天父希望我们要有智慧去辨识可以允许哪些话影响我们的生命,这样我们才能安全。正如《箴言》所言:“生死在舌头的权下。” 18章 21节

But whenever we exercise this caution, we are not judging that person’s heart or motives. This being cautious is never about being unloving by becoming critical of people or fault-finding. Rather when we are being led by the Holy Spirit to be discerning, we are simply deciding if someone’s words, or what he is doing, praying, teaching, or where his leadership is taking a meeting, are from God for us, so that we can know whether or not the Father wants us to spiritually receive from this person.


However, even prophets and prophetic people who do have the blessing of leadership over them can cause terrible damage if they speak into anyone’s life, privately or corporately, without the love that Paul said this mantle and gift are all about. Those who are the most vulnerable to being damaged are the ones who don’t have the confidence to stop someone when they don’t have peace about what is being said to them. Consequently, they can easily be overwhelmed and overpowered by a person prophesying or giving them a Word of Knowledge, but what is being said is harsh, unkind and not from the Father for them.


Paul cared so much about this not happening to people that he cautioned:

“When you talk, do not say harmful things, but say what people need, words that will help others become stronger. Then what you say will do good to those who listen to you.” Ephesians 4:29 NCV


污秽的言语(有害的言语 NCV),一句不可出口,只要随事说造就人的好话,叫听见的人得益处。《以弗所书》4章 29节

Those “harmful” things can be said by anyone. But the greater the authority someone walks in, the more potential there is for harm to occur whenever there is a lack of love, any lack of Word-based wisdom, or if humble maturity is missing. All this is why, down through the ages, the humble and teachable were the ones that God raised up to be used in the fullness of His purpose for their gifting.


“For the prophetic mantle is the mantle of humility.”

Stanley M. Hammond

The Lord even warns us:

“There will be no pride allowed on My Holy Mountain.” Zephaniah 3:11 NLT

“The proud will not be allowed to stand in Your presence.” Psalm 5:5 NLT


“那时我必从你中间除掉矜夸高傲之辈,你也不再于我的圣山狂傲。” 《西番雅书》3章11节

“狂傲人不能站在你眼前。” 《诗篇》5章5节

This is how an eyewitness of the Azusa Street Revival describes the profound importance of a humble heart:

“Only those who were really humble could God release to do His work. Because He who prepares His work through the ages accomplishes it by using the most humble, broken instruments so that the work may be seen to be of God, and not of man. For a great work of God is never accomplished by the natural strength of man. It is from among the dry bones, the darkness, and the dust of death that God is pleased to select the instruments by means of which He designs to scatter over the earth His light and His glory. Therefore, those He chooses must be strong in character. But, we must keep humble and little in our own eyes. If we get built up by a sense of our own importance, we are gone. History repeats itself in this connection. God has always sought a humble people. He can use no other. The fact is, when a person gets to the place where he really loves obscurity, where he does not care to preach, and where he would rather sit in the back seat than on the platform, then God can lift him up and use him. And, not very much before. This is why there is much need of heart preparation before God can come, much need for consecration and humility.” Frank Bartleman


“只有那些真正谦卑的人神才会把自己的工放给他们去做。因为神为了让人们明白那是神做的而不是人,所以他在悠长的岁月里使用那至卑贱的破碎的器具来完成他的工。因为任何神伟大的工都不是通过人的自然的力量。神在他的设计之中,他按照他自己的心意拣选可用的器皿,在枯骨、在黑暗、在尘土之中,将他的光明和荣耀散布全地。所以他所拣选的人都有坚强的性格。但我们必须在我们自己的眼中保持谦卑和渺小。如果我们让自我膨胀,我们就没有用处。历史在这个节点上不停的重复。神总是寻找谦卑的人。他无法使用其他人。事实上,当一个人在一个地方他真的喜欢默默无闻,他不在乎讲道,而是乐于坐在后排座位上的时候,神就高举他,使用他。而在这之前并非如此之多的使用他。这是为什么在神临到之前,人需要那么多心灵的预备,需要自己谦卑的摆上。” Frank Bartleman

What can help a prophetic person to walk in this humbleness is never forgetting this sobering truth:

“We all know in part. We all prophesy in part.”
1 Corinthians 13:9 NIV


《哥林多前书》13章 9节

What this means is that we all can easily “miss it,” no matter how anointed we are or how long we’ve been a Christian or in ministry. Therefore, if there are words we want to speak to someone that we feel are from God, it does not mean we are always going to be “right on.”


Sometimes what limits a prophetic person from being led by the Holy Spirit is this mindset:

“Saying or doing this worked the last time I tried it.
So it just might work this time.”



But, if we go that direction in our thinking, we are at much higher risk of being “off” when we prophesy. For the Lord guides and leads us in new and fresh ways any time He wants to use us to be His voice, depending on what He knows as a loving Father is needed at the time.


So our staying open to Him showing us, in the moment, how He wants us to encourage someone does greatly protect us from “missing it.” We also need to understand that to have the Gift of Prophecy only means that someone is more highly skilled to speak words of “encouragement, strength, and comfort.” It does not give someone the authority of a prophet.

所以我们对神保持开放,让他在那一刻,把他如何要我们去鼓励他人的显给我们,保守我们不会“走偏”。 我们也需要明白拥有预言的恩赐意味着在说“造就,安慰,劝勉人”的话上更有技巧,但并非说他有权柄去预言。


Prophetically gifted people are also naturally drawn to what is visual. What follows is wisdom about how to keep this interest in visual experiences solidly Word-based.



The Prophet Ezekiel and the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation wrote vivid, even gripping descriptions of pictures.


Paul and David also gave us these beautiful images:

“We who have fled to Him for refuge can take new courage for we can hold on to His promise with confidence. This confidence is like a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain of heaven into God’s inner sanctuary.” Hebrews 6:18-19 NLT

“He calms the storm to a whisper and stills the waves. What a blessing is that stillness as He brings us safely into harbor.” Psalm 107:29, 30 NLT


借这两件不更改的事,神决不能说谎,好叫我们这逃往避难所,持定摆在我们前头指望的人,可以大得勉励。我们有这指望如同灵魂的锚,又坚固又牢靠,且通入幔内。《希伯来书》6章 18-19节

他使狂风止息,波浪就平静。风息浪静,他们便欢喜。他就引他们到所愿去的海口。《诗篇》107篇 29-30节

So pictures being described are definitely in the Word. Seeing them is also a direction that prophetically gifted people naturally tend to go because they are so strongly visual. However, their pictures can easily come from an over-active imagination, rather than from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I have also found that those who often think a great deal in pictures are the most vulnerable to their own mind and thoughts being the source of what they are seeing.


Likewise, a prophetic person needs to realize that if they are primarily seeing pictures as their way to connect with the spiritual realm, then they can easily focus more on these images, than on the Word. Yet it is the Word that gives us a solid foundation in our thinking and keeps us “right on” in the operation of our gifting because:

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God’s way of preparing us in every way, to be fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NLT


圣经都是神所默示的,于教训,督责,使人归正,教导人学义,都是有益的。《提摩太后书》3章 16-17节

The Father also has so much more He can draw from when He wants us to speak His words of comfort, encouragement and hope to people when this is our heart and our passion:

“I rejoice in Your word like one who finds a treasure.”
Psalm 119:162 NLT


(我喜爱你的话,好像人得了珍宝。NLT )诗篇 119:162

This is another area of wisdom that protects a child of God from going a direction that grieves Him:

The Father does not want us using our prophetic gifting on a regular basis to “see” or describe to others graphic images of what the demonic realm is doing.



No good will come from this. It stirs up fear. It increases someone’s awareness of evil, rather than increasing their awareness of the presence of God. It causes them to drift further and further away from closeness with the Father. Instead, they become more and more “gifted” in seeing what is happening in the evil realm. We certainly don’t see the prophets in the Bible being keenly, frequently aware of the demonic realm. Nor is there an emphasis on them describing graphic evil in their writings and ministry. For example, Moses was surrounded by intense, relentless, and even at times overwhelming evil. But when he spent personal time with God, it was intimacy with Him that happened, not an encounter with pictures or images of what evil was doing.


As a result:

“Inside the Tent of Meeting the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” Exodus 33:11 NLT


耶和华与摩西面对面说话,好像人与朋友说话一般。 《出埃及记》33章 11节

Then there is the Apostle Stephen. While he was surrounded by an angry, vicious mob that was going to kill him, the evil that was vilely determined to destroy him is not what he focused on. That’s why as he was being falsely accused this is what he looked like:

“Everyone in the council stared at Stephen because his face became as bright as an angel’s.” Acts 6:15 NLT


在公会里坐着的人,都定睛看他,见他的面貌,好像天使的面貌。《使徒行转》6章 15节

The supernatural peace upon his countenance was possible because when his life was about to end, rather than focusing on all that horrific evil, this is what he did:

“Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed steadily upward into heaven and saw the glory of God. And he told them, “Look, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing in the place of honor at God’s right hand.” Acts 7:54-56 NLT


但司提反被圣灵充满,定睛望天,看见神的荣耀,又看见耶稣站在神的右边。就说,我看见天开了,人子站在神的右边。《使徒行转》7章 55-56节

This same intimacy with the Father, which we see in His relationship with Moses and Stephen is what He yearns to have with all His children, no matter what evil we are up against, and regardless of what we are prophetically aware of. He wants us intimately aware of His presence and seeking His face, and not the presence and face of evil.



There are compelling prophetic acts that God instructed His prophets to do, primarily in the Old Testament, such as telling the Israelites to march around the walls of Jericho seven times and when the trumpets sounded, the army shouted and the walls collapsed (Hebrews 11:30, Joshua 6:20).

有很多上帝让他的先知去做的激动人心的先知性的行为,主要在旧约之中,比如告诉以色列人环绕耶利哥城七圈,然后全军呐喊而城破。(《希伯来书》11:30 《约书亚记》6:20)

Although God still does inspire people, at times, to use prophetic acts, they are always for this same purpose as in the Bible: To help His people see more clearly what He is doing among them. However, if these “acts” are pursued or used often, there is the risk of taking something valid in the Word and it becoming man orchestrating it. We can tell if this is what is occurring because God’s presence and His anointing that can touch lives in miraculous, supernatural ways will be missing from the impact of what takes place.



Jesus said: “Signs will accompany those who have believed.” He also told us that He “confirms the Word by signs that follow.” Mark 16:17, 20 NASB However, if someone who is gifted prophetically goes the direction of wanting, seeking, or pursuing visible manifestations, it grieves the Father because always what He longs for is that we want most of all to “pursue” personal closeness with Him. Yet people who go to meetings to have these manifestation experiences are robbed of that closeness because of their fascination with the supernatural that they want to see taking place. We also need to be aware of the fact that just because there definitely is something “miraculous” that’s physically happening, it does not mean that it’s always from the Lord. These manifestations can, at times, be counterfeit. Both Jesus and Paul told us about this area of potential demonic deception (Matthew 24:24, 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 NASB).

耶稣说:“信的人必有神迹随着他们。” 他也告诉我们他“用神迹随着,证实所传的道。” 《马可福音》16章17节 20节 然而,如果一个有预言恩赐的人走上了一条要求、寻求甚至追求可见的彰显的道路,就会让天父伤心,因为父所求的是我们以与他亲近为要,而那些聚会去寻求彰显体验的人并没有与他亲近,因为他们所迷恋的是超自然事情的发生。我们同时还要注意的一个事实是即使有“神迹”发生,但并不意味着那总是来自于神。这些彰显可能很多时候都是假冒的。耶稣和保罗都警告我们魔鬼在这方面的假冒。(《马太福音》24:24 《哥林多后书》11章 14-15节)

However, there are times when God does display the power and magnitude of His presence. He even told us:

“The time will come when all the earth will be filled, as the
waters fill the sea, with an awareness of the glory of the Lord.”

Habakkuk 2:14 NLT


《哈巴谷书》2章 14节

One of the ways this awareness spreads is when the Lord causes His glory to be revealed to His people. However, any time these miraculous demonstrations of His power happened in the Bible, and whenever they occur now, they never draw people away from intimacy with God. They only cause Him to become more compellingly real to those witnessing them. For example, these are a few of the unforgettable manifestations of the Glory of the Lord that my husband, Barry, and I have experienced. But notice that in none of these situations did we seek or ask for them. They just happened and totally unexpectedly.


It was the year of 2002 in Africa. Early one morning I sensed an alarming evil coming against us. I immediately alerted Barry and we began to worship. We knew we were safe in the presence of God and that all evil would be crushed that wanted to bring harm to us, because the Father had reminded us so many times:

“As wax melts in the fire and smoke is blown by the wind,
the wicked perish at the presence of God.”

Psalm 68:2 NIV/YLT


诗篇》68篇 2节

After a short time, Barry left the room. He returned moments later with a stunned look on his face.


“Ruth,” he said, “there was a strong earthquake while we were worshipping. I felt the earth moving under me and the bed shaking and I just thought maybe the bed was unstable. But when I left you, I found out that the whole building was moving so violently that the family on the top floor decided to come downstairs to make sure they were safe. They told me that the instant you began to play the harp, the entire building began to shake and as soon as you stopped, then the earthquake also stopped.”


We were overwhelmingly comforted by such a bold manifestation of God’s miraculous visitation. We also found out that this was the only place where there was an earthquake. Years later, when we unexpectedly encountered this family, the mother told us, “we still vividly remember the day of the earthquake as Ruth played the harp.”


Then in 2005 in Africa, several pastors who were living on our compound for a week of Leadership Training told us: “At night we can see tongues of fire on the top of the fence that surrounds your compound.” It filled us with a holy awe to know that God was revealing Himself in such a supernatural way. This is what it reminded me of:

“To the eyes of the sons of Israel the appearance of the glory of the Lord
was like a consuming fire on the mountain top.”

Exodus 24:17 NASB

后来在2005年也是在非洲,有一群参加领袖培训课的牧师在我家的大院儿住了一周,他们告诉我们:“晚上我们看到火舌在你们大院儿的围栏上。” 一股神圣的敬畏一下子充满了我们,神用如此超自然的方式向我们显明了他自己。这就让我想起:


A year later there was a supernatural manifestation of heaven touching earth that took place shortly after we arrived in an upper room in Kampala, Uganda. The moment our voices rose in “new song” worship with the harp we became like a heavenly choir. It seemed like the walls trembled with the sound of our voices as a revival move of God exploded in the room. People fell to their knees. Men unashamedly wept with repentance. Soon a hush fell upon us. All were overcome with awe by the visitation of God. The Lord of Hosts had miraculously come among us. Later Barry and our African team told me this incredible account:


“While we were worshiping, all the cars and people were silent as far as we could see on Kampala Road. No one moved. People were looking up at the room where we were gathered. Many were pointing to the window and asking, ‘What is this? What is happening in that place?’ Then the moment the worship ended, everything went back to the way it always is on Kampala Road.”



Finally, this is another area of crucial wisdom. Something is imparted whenever anyone is prophetically speaking into our life or he prays a prophetic sounding prayer over us. That’s why the Word tells us:

“Do not lay hands on anyone too hastily.”
1 Timothy 5:22 NASB


《提摩太前书》5章 22节

This also means that we should not allow others to hastily lay hands on us. Rather, the Lord soberly instructs us:

“Do not believe every spirit,
but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.”
1 John 4:1 NASB

“Test everything that is said and hold on to what is good.”
1 Thessalonians 5:21 NLT


《约翰一书》4章 1节

《帖撒罗尼迦》5章 21节

In other words, if we are not certain that someone is a safe person for us to receive from spiritually, we should not allow it. Furthermore, as soon as we realize that we feel uneasy or troubled, it is not rude to stop anyone in a loving, kind, but firm way. It is only honoring of this solid wisdom from a caring Father who cautions us to observe the fruit from someone’s life, ministry or gifting before we let them have an impact on us:

“You will know them by their fruits.
A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor
can a bad tree produce good fruit.”

Matthew 7:16, 19 NASB


《马太福音》7章 16节 18节

In practical terms, this is how to discern fruit:

If the result of what is being said, done, prophesied, taught, or is manifesting in a meeting is the peace of God, and if it draws people into closer intimacy with the Father and His Presence, then it most likely is coming from the Holy Spirit.

But if what is happening causes fear, confusion, uneasiness, a troubled spirit, a lack of peace, a distraction away from an increase in closeness to the Lord and away from seeking His face, then the Word of God is alerting us that it needs to be viewed with serious caution.




In all honesty, any of us can find ourselves, at different times in our life, in a place where we don’t feel spiritually safe and it isn’t healthy or wise for us.


We may have even made poor choices and mistakes that have caused us to end up there. This can happen because we all “blow it” and we can all “miss it,” no matter how hard we try to stay on the path God wants for us.


Those are difficult moments for anyone.


Yet the Father is always going to be there for us, to help us and lovingly guide us back to a place of His safety, whenever we need His help, His wisdom, His peace, just like is described in this story:

A young girl traveling on a train for the first time heard that it would have to cross several rivers. She was troubled and fearful as she thought of the water. But each time the train came to a river, a bridge was there to provide a way across. After passing safely over several rivers and streams, the girl settled back in her seat with a sigh of relief. “I’m not worried anymore,” she told her mother. “Somebody has put bridges for us all of the way.”


一个小女孩第一次乘火车旅行,她听说要穿过好几条河流。一想到水,她就开始担心害怕起来。但每次火车经过一条河流,都有一座桥让他们可以通过。这样安全的过了几条河流之后,小女孩就放心的靠在自己的座位上长长的出了一口气:“我再也不担心了。” 她对她妈妈说:“一路上都有人为我们修好桥了。”

When I first read this story, the Father said this to me and it is what He is saying to all His children whenever they are having a really hard time:

“I will always be for you that bridge over troubled waters so that you can find your way to the other side. Every time you end up in a place where you need that miracle to get to a place of safety, I will be there. I will do the same for you, as that young child on the train.”

Abba Father





Michael Liu, Businessman with a Market Place Ministry, Shanghai, China

Michael has translated this teaching about “The Prophetic” into Mandarin. That makes it available to China, and to anyone who speaks the Chinese language in other countries. I am profoundly grateful to this dear man of God for such an invaluable contribution to this message having a broader, international impact. My husband, Barry, and I treasure Michael as our family, our friend, our passionate co-laborer in reaching China for the Gospel.

Michael Liu 职场事工企业家 中国上海:


George E. Markakis, Greek Apostle, European Apostolic Leader, Pastor of Shalom Center, Athens, Greece

I am deeply grateful for the honest and extensive input from this incredibly caring Father in the Faith. He helped tremendously for this message on prophecy to go to a whole new level of clarity. However, what is most special of all is that through the process of receiving his invaluable insights, Pastor Markakis became a beloved and cherished friend and brother to my husband, Barry and I.

George E. Markakis,希腊使徒,欧洲使徒运动领袖,希腊雅典莎隆中心牧师:



Quotations by Stanley M. Hammond are taken from an edited transcript of a series of lectures given at Elim Tabernacle in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada by Stanley M. Hammond. First Edition September 1997 No copyright information is available.

Quotations by Frank Bartleman are taken from Azusa Street. Copyright © 1980 by Logos International. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (YLT) are taken from the 1898 Young’s Literal Translation by Robert Young published by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids Michigan. No copyright information is available.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

Scripture References marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible, © 1960, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NCV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Century Translation. Copyright © 1987, 1988, 1991, 1995 Used by permission of Word Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are taken from the King James Version. Copyright © 1975 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Chinese scripture quotations are from Chinese Union version (CUV).

Barry and Ruth Johnson

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